
Ottawa Edible Flowers

Bachelor Button Maroon Micro Petals 12 pcs $4.75 CAD


Ottawa Edible Flowers

Bachelor Button Maroon Micro Petals 12 pcs $4.75 CAD


Unavailable - sold out/out of season. See 'This Week' tab for what's currently available.

Bachelor button edible flowers are vibrantly coloured, odourless, and flavourless. Use to garnish platters, cocktails, cheesy omelettes, sandwiches, sushi, salads, rice and meat dishes, cakes, tarts and ice cream. Each 1½”-2" sized flower has around 23 tiny petals you can detach and use individually to garnish bite-size canapés/amuse bouche, sushi, side salads, petit fours, ice cream, molecular gastronomy plates and tiny cakes. Petal size ¼”-½”. Available late June - late July/early Aug, for 5 weeks. Refrigerates 5 days.