
Ottawa Edible Flowers

Hosta Flowers Mauve 12 pcs $5.25 CAD


Ottawa Edible Flowers

Hosta Flowers Mauve 12 pcs $5.25 CAD


Unavailable - sold out/out of season. See 'This Week' tab for what's currently available.

Hosta edible flowers have a tender texture and mild lettuce flavour with a hint of sweetness at the base of the blossom. Use these 2¼" long x 1¼" wide flowers for stuffed appetizers, in a salad, with cheese, garnish platters, cocktails, cheesy omelettes, gazpacho, smoked salmon, meat and rice dishes, caesars, and gin and tonics. Very attractive in a champagne flute of sparkling wine. Available late July to early August, for 2 weeks. Refrigerates 4 days.